viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011


Que onda gente viciosa y desocupada! :D 

-Al parecer, se están haciendo realidad mis peores pesadillas, Tinypic (el host en el que subo mis imagenes) me está haciendo mierda mis fotos.
1. Me las borra.
2. Cuando no las borra, les baja la calidad en un 60% y se ven como el CULO.

Me gustaria que me recomendaran un host de imagenes bueno, que no sea ni Imageshack, Tinypic,, subefotos, ni photobucket.


Whats up lazy people!
-Looks like my worst nightmares are becoming truth; Tinypic (my image host) is playing around with my pics and doing shit with it.
1. They delete my photos.
2- Or they just make some pics looks like fucking crap, and reduce the quality on a 60%.

I really would appreciate if YOU all can recommend me some image host.  
I know Imageshack, Tinypic,, subefotos, photobucket and they are shit too. xD